Welcome to Conflict Catcher 3, the definitive answer to startup file management and troubleshooting for Apple Macintosh systems! With its robust new feature set, performance optimizations, and intuitive interface, your startup file problems will shortly become a thing of the past.
This on-line documentation does not attempt to cover every aspect of Conflict Catcher, but instead provides information about its most commonly used features. Please refer to Conflict Catcher's user guide for in-depth details about Conflict Catcher's operation.
You may already know that Conflict Catcher...
• Can make short work of finding problems caused by startup files, one of the biggest sources of Macintosh system conflicts.
• Takes full advantage of new system software features, including the ‘Fonts’ folder in System 7.1 (and later), and the ‘Shutdown Items’ folder and progress bar in System 7.5.
• Helps you to get the most out of your system with innovative startup file management features such as sets and links.
You may not know that Conflict Catcher...
• Isolates startup file conflicts without depending on any outside information such as a conflict database. Instead it uses an approach that encompasses almost any kind of system misbehavior.
• Offers testing and startup file management features unique to the industry. Having introduced conflict testing to the Mac, Conflict Catcher continues to offer new ways to improve and optimize the process such as Intuition, Scanning For Damaged Startup Files, and Startup File Information. These features keep Conflict Catcher one step ahead of other startup file management programs and keep you one step ahead of your startup file problems.
• Runs fully native on PowerPC systems, taking full advantage of your PowerPC investment. And, since its a ‘fat app’, you don’t have to worry about whether you're running a 68K system, PowerPC system, or both -- Conflict Catcher takes care of running the right code for the right processor!